🚀 Speed up NPM/Yarn install in Gitlab2020-04-22

🚀 Speed up NPM/Yarn install in Gitlab

This article is the sum of my findings in scope of Gitlab Issue that’s still unresolved at this moment (April 2020). In short, when the node_modules becomes large Gitlab is experiencing huge performance bottleneck due to great amount of files it needs to archive and upload during caching procedures. I have came up with few ways to improve caching performance.

⚙️ Monorepo scripts strategies & naming conventions2019-01-29

⚙️ Monorepo scripts strategies & naming conventions

Mono repository is a popular approach where some libraries or other fairly independent projects are colocated in one repository. One of the benefits you get is simpler control over changes that should be synchronized across all involved packages. As a downside, you get less independence of each package.

🛠️ Solutions for React app development2017-03-02

🛠️ Solutions for React app development

Whenever you start a new project you either end up choosing one of the options: • copy pasting one of your previous projects; • use some boilerplate or even a boilerplate generator (like Yeoman); • use config-free solution; • build all from scratch. Each way always have it’s own pros and cons, both short term and longer term.

💪 React + Router + Redux and Server Side Rendering2017-02-28

💪 React + Router + Redux and Server Side Rendering

At my work I use React as the primary UI framework, adoption started with the service site, a huge web application (hundreds of screens and dozens of flows and wizards) that allows users and admins to configure the system. Successful technologies and approaches tend to eventually propagate more and more to other products of the company, so the React expansion was not a surprise and now React stack is used as a standard approach.